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St Mildred's Primary Infant School

St Mildred’s Primary Infant School


KS1 Assessment and Reporting

Information for Parents

At St Mildred’s we assess children’s progress continually and in many ways. Teachers gather assessment evidence throughout the year to build up a picture of your child and where they are. All of this information enables teachers to make a judgement on how well each child is achieving against the end of Key Stage expectations as described in the National Curriculum 2014.

Children’s learning is assessed against the learning objectives in each learning session. Children are actively encouraged to assess their own learning in each lesson through the use of ‘faces’ drawn to indicate how they felt about their learning and through the use of Self-assessment checklists.

 smileyI have understood my learning

blushI would like more practise learning this.

 winkI have not understood my learning.


Year 1 Phonics Check


In June children in Year 1 take the National Phonics Check Test. This is conducted on a one-to-one basis with the child’s teachers. The children need to be confident with Phase 5 of the Letters and Sounds program to reach the expected standard. The results of this check are reported to parents in July with their end of year report.





As at 2023 there is no longer a requirement to carry out statutory SATS at KS1. 




At the end of Key stage 1 children will be formally assessed to see if they have reached the Expected standard. Teachers use assessment evidence gathered over the year to reach their Teacher Assessment Judgements. These are then reported to parents in July along with the children’s end of year report.

Children are assessed to be:
Working towards the Expected standard
Working at the Expected Standard

Working at Greater Depth in the Expected Standard

The majority of children will be working at the expected standard at the end of year 2. Parents are informed throughout the year, through parents evening, pupil learning meetings and reports, as to whether a child is on track to reach the expected standard.

The DFE have produced a Framework that is used by teachers to help them make their assessments as to whether a child has reached the Expected standard in Reading and Writing and Maths. If you would like to see what this looks like please click on the documents below.

Dream Big – Aim High – Make a Difference