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St Mildred's Primary Infant School

St Mildred’s Primary Infant School

St Mildred's Curriculum

Curriculum Overview


We believe in creating a colourful, rich, challenging and fun learning environment.  If children are happy they will want to learn.


We have high expectations for all our children and do everything possible to allow them to fulfil their potential.


We also provide a broad and balanced creative curriculum that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum  This is an engaging resource that allows us to teach the range of National Curriculum subjects (Science, RE, ICT, PE, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music, Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education and Art) through a variety of stimulating and exciting topics. These topics are shared with the children so that each year group can choose and design their own curriculum and the learning they would like to do each year. Each topic starts with a “Wow” start which is a way of introducing and immersing the children in their new topic. Children will then learn the keys skills and knowledge of the topic before applying this to a problem solving situation to end the topic.

For more information on the topics please see each Year group section of the website (under Curriculum and Assessment) where you will find our termly topic plans and newsletters giving details of each terms topics.


We encourage creative thinking across the curriculum and believe in the view of Margaret Mead:


"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think."


In recent years, a great deal has been discovered about how we learn, not least in the developing knowledge of how our brain works.


We recognise learning styles:  visual, auditory and kinaesthetic and ensure that lessons are planned and delivered in a way that actively engages all learners.


We want to encourage self motivation, high self esteem and a personal responsibility for, and interest in learning. 





Dream Big – Aim High – Make a Difference