Our Religious Education curriculum aims to engage children in enquiry and through this process help them to develop an understanding of their own and others’ identity, culture and values. In doing this, our children are learning to engage in meaningful discussions and develop their own responses to the questions and issues addressed in our RE curriculum.
As a school we follow the Kent Agreed Syllabus in which Key Stage 1 children will look at key questions such as:
Who is Jewish/ a Christian/ a Muslim and what do they believe?
What can we learn from sacred books?
What makes some places sacred?
How and why do we celebrate special times?
What does it mean to belong to faith community?
How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter?
Through this type of “big question” starting point, children will learn about and from, different religions and worldviews. They use drama and discussion to discover, explore and consider different answers to questions about what is right and wrong, meaning and purpose, different beliefs and what it is to be human. They decide what they feel is important to record in their books.
We adopt this approach to RE to help our children to begin to develop the understanding and skills necessary to be considerate, compassionate, active and responsible members of their school, their community and their world.
Whole School Assemblies/ Collective Worship
Our assemblies also include celebrating religious events throughout the year and give children a chance to think about how information discussed links with the British Values and our school community. Our children are encouraged to share their beliefs if they would like to. We celebrate success and take time for reflection. It gives the school community a time to discuss school issues and to begin to appreciate the world beyond their environment. It is also a time for mindfulness and calm and to enjoy singing together. Our assemblies aim to promote citizenship and the importance of following school rules and that we all have responsibility for each other’s well-being. We have visiting speakers and speakers from local churches leading some school assemblies.